The gusset mailing bag is the ultimate in flexible packaging. Not because it does gymnastic moves, but because it's so supremely flexible in the items it can house. The extendable base allows for extra storage for those bulkier items that your customers want to send out or can be used for items that just won't fit in a normal envelope.
Like our paper padded bags, the gusset mailing bag can be printed on, allowing your customers to personalise them with their own branding where necessary. Options include digital print or litho print, or you can even foil these bags for some true high-end personalisation. Our digital printer can easily add customer logos or catch phases, or even variable print data if your customer has 1000's of unique addresses needing to be sent out an item or important document.
The gusset mailing bag comes in white or manilla, and offers extra capacity for thick catalogues or reports, where you don't need to use a padded bag or subscription box.
As always, the manilla option is 100% recyclable which means you're saving the planet by helping drastically reduce the use of single use plastics and your customers are able to demonstrate their conscientiousness towards opting for sustainable solutions.
Get in touch with one of our team so we can help you find the ideal sized gusset mailing bag. Let's talk further.